In the course of setting up the value of labour theory, Marx made a detailed study of the relationship between supply and demand from various angles. 马克思在创建劳动价值学说过程中,从多角度研究了供求关系问题。
Man first creates practical value of things with his own labour, and then creates beauty. 首先人类用自己的劳动创造了事物的实用价值,然后创造了美。
Objective To explore the clinical value of lamaze painless labour ( LPL). 目的探讨拉玛泽无痛分娩法的临床价值。
GNP is the market value of all goods and services produced in one year by labour and property supplied by the residents of a country. 国民生产总值是指一个国家或地区的所有常住单位在一定时期内在国内和国外所生产的最终成果和提供的劳务价值。
When Foxconn announced its first wage hike after a series of suicides among its Chinese workers, it said the time had come for other parts of the technology value chain to shoulder part of the soaring labour costs in China. 富士康在多名中国工人相继自杀后第一次宣布涨工资时就表示,由技术价值链的其他部分分担中国劳动力成本上涨的时刻已经到来。
Help them to realize that it is not easy to make money, form the good habit of frugality and see the value of labour. 让人体会到赚钱不是件容易事,从而养成勤俭节约的好习惯,认识到劳动的价值。
On value of complicated labour& who creates value in the period of intellectual economy? 复杂劳动价值论&知识经济时代谁创造价值?
As the value of brute force falls opportunities in the labour market for women grow. 而女性的发展又使体力劳动的价值降低了。
So the experience is very meaningful and I kno the value of labour. 所以说那是一件非常有意义的事情,从中我认识到了劳动的价值所在。
The labor value theory of Marxism expounds the truth that labour is the only source creating the value of commodity. 马克思主义劳动价值论是阐明劳动是创造商品价值唯一源泉的理论。
The price of the land is determined by the total value of the land. The total value of the land comprises the equivalent value of the land and the labour value of the land. 土地价格是由土地总价值所决定的,土地总价值包括土地等效价值和土地劳动价值。
The income of the labourer contains two parts. One is the value or price of the labour force ( that is salary), which only equals to the consumption of the capital of the labour force ( or called depreciation); 劳动力所有者的收入应包括两部分:一部分是作为劳动力价值或价格的工资部分,它仅相当于消耗掉的劳动力这个人力资本的本金或称为折旧费,但这并不能称之为“报酬”;
By transferring corn model in practical form into value form, the paper also analyses Richardo's proposition that commodity value is determined by marginal cost of labour. 通过将实物形态的谷物模型转化为价值形态的谷物模型,也分析了李嘉图的商品价值决定于边际劳动成本这一命题。
What's move, as a scientific theory, Maxist theory on the value of labour is just renewed and developed on the study of A-dam Smith's theory on value. 而马克思劳动价值理论正是他对亚当·斯密价值论研究基础上创新而发展起来的科学理论。
Proceed with composition of labour value, has analysed the composition of the labour value under the new form, have propose the new content of the scientific labour value theory, has expanded the concept of work to the service industries from the material production field successfully. 本文从劳动价值的构成入手,分析了新形式下劳动价值的组成,提出了科学劳动价值论的新内容,成功的将劳动的概念从物质生产领域扩大到了服务行业。
All value of human being comes from flexible labour from the perspective of labours role in mans survival and development. 从劳动对人类生存和发展的不可替代的积极意义的角度看,人类一切价值的源泉只能是活劳动;
On the Function of Value Creation of Finacial Labour 论金融业劳动的价值创造功能
The Evolution of Income Distribution Theory and the Practical Value of Labour Value Theory 论收入分配理论的历史演变和劳动价值论的实践价值
This paper only querys on the explanation of social labour producing value and the labour of non material production also being the social labour of producing value. 本文仅就关于创造价值的社会劳动的解释以及非物质生产的劳动也是创造价值的社会劳动的问题,提出质疑。
This article systematically expounds the general theory of the determination of the commodity value and the development of the Labour Theory of Value as well as its new problems confronted in the new economy. 本文系统阐述了商品价值决定的一般理论,劳动价值论的发展及在新的经济条件下遇到的问题,主要分析了服务产品的市场价值和国际价值的决定。
To promote the shift from the roles of state enterprise administrative staff to those of entrepreneurs, it is proposed in this article that the annual salary program must reflect the value of the entrepreneurs 'human labour capitalization; 为了促进国有企业高层经营管理者向企业家的角色转变,文章建议:设计年薪方案必须体现企业家人力资本价值化;
The Surplus Value Producted by Increasing of Labour Intensity Belongs to the Absolute Surplus Value 增加劳动强度生产的剩余价值属于绝对剩余价值
Marx's labour value theory is the cornerstone of Marxist economic philosophy. We should scientifically make ideological explanation combining new things and new facts so that to develop and perfect the labour value theory while adhering to the basic theories of labour value theory. 马克思的劳动价值论是马克思主义经济哲学的基石,要在坚持劳动价值论基本核心观点的基础上,结合新情况,新实际,做出科学的理论阐释,以完善和发展劳动价值论。
The knowledge economy has further confirmed the value theory of labour. 知识经济恰恰进一步印证了劳动价值论。
On Value of Labour and Marginal Utility: Both Suffering Decreasing Over The Long Run in History? A Synthesis of Value of Labour and Marginal Utility 劳动价值和边际效用在历史时间中的共同递减趋势&论劳动价值论与边际效用价值论的综合统一
Theory of Knowledge Value: Deepening and Development of Cognition to Theory of Labour Value 知识价值论是对劳动价值论的深化和发展
The creation of value mainly solves the problems of whether labour creates value and how much value it creates. Distribution of value mainly deals with how to distribute the value created. 价值创造主要解决劳动是否创造价值、创造多少价值的问题,价值分配主要是对已创造出的价值如何进行分配的问题,二者有严格的区别。
The approaches to recognize the Incremental Value theory are: the creative labour of intelligence is social labour, which decides the social characters of intelligence product; 知识产权的增加价值理论主要可以从以下几点加以认识:智力创造性劳动是社会性劳动,这决定了智力产品或者说知识产品具有社会产品的性质;
The resources of the producing value are the core of the Labour Axiology. 劳动价值论的核心问题是创造价值的源泉问题。
The specific gravity variable of added value of agriculture to the GDP is the maximal effect for rural labour transfer. 农业增加值占国内生产总值比重变量对农村劳动力转移的影响作用最大。